Merapi eruptions Again at 01 november 2010

When we are fishing At 10.10am, 1 november 2010 in Tambak Boyo Barrage, Merapi mountains eruption again. For a while we saw Merapi mountains looks fantastic wit great panorama and blue sky in the morning when we are fishing at Tambak Boyo Barrage. When my friends take some picture with his new Digital camera, he said "Hey what happen with Merapi, that is like eruption of brown at the top of the mountain". When we looks that is beautiful moment that we must celebrate and take some picture and cam-did this moment. The eruptions is like a big coat with beatiful big sheep with the wool skin fur runs to the mount base. "Fantastic" but to danger if we at there. For about 30 minutes we celebrate this moment and didn't care about fishing. We listening news from our radio phone and hear about that eruptions comes to Klaten and Solo Town. I call my mom's and said that's eruptions can came to our house at Klaten. so don't worry mom's. That is just small eruptions and will not danger comes to our house but, that is just rainy sand comes to our house.

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