Barrack Obama at per’s conference in Republic of Indonesia Presidency Palace 09 November 2010

The President United State of America, Barrack Obama said that when he was a child in Jakarta he know Sarinah is the most excited building in this city, but now Jakarta has much high-rice building. When Barrack Obama lives in Indonesia, he hardly likes Indonesia cookery like Nasi Goreng, Bakso, Buah Rambutan, Emping dan Krupuk. Barrack Obama is the mirror of the world that’s everything might possibly happened if we try laboriously with smart mind. He saw us that America known as the white skin country simply can be sawn that America is the free country leaving with law and doesn't differentiate race problems, faction and religion. All assessed from intelligence level with obsession and ambition for towards all of this to be better.

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Merapi eruptions Again at 01 november 2010

When we are fishing At 10.10am, 1 november 2010 in Tambak Boyo Barrage, Merapi mountains eruption again. For a while we saw Merapi mountains looks fantastic wit great panorama and blue sky in the morning when we are fishing at Tambak Boyo Barrage. When my friends take some picture with his new Digital camera, he said "Hey what happen with Merapi, that is like eruption of brown at the top of the mountain". When we looks that is beautiful moment that we must celebrate and take some picture and cam-did this moment. The eruptions is like a big coat with beatiful big sheep with the wool skin fur runs to the mount base. "Fantastic" but to danger if we at there. For about 30 minutes we celebrate this moment and didn't care about fishing. We listening news from our radio phone and hear about that eruptions comes to Klaten and Solo Town. I call my mom's and said that's eruptions can came to our house at Klaten. so don't worry mom's. That is just small eruptions and will not danger comes to our house but, that is just rainy sand comes to our house.

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Efek Abu merapi terhadap Kota Yogyakarta 30 october 2010

Letusan Gunung Merapi pada dini hari pukul menimbulkan hujan Abu di wilayah sekitarnya dan mencapai radius 30-60 km. Hujan abu dan pasir tersebut mengganggu aktifitas Masyarakat karena debu dan pasir mengganggu pernapasan dan penglihatan manusia. Sirkulasi jalan-jalan di Ibukota Yogyakarta menjadi sangat berdebu. jaraj Pandang kendaraan bermotor berkisar 10-15 meter saja dan membuat para pengendara sangat berhati-hati agar tidak terjadi kecelakaan. Para pengendara juga sangat berhati-hati sebab jalan raya menjadi sangat licin dikarenakan para warga menyirami debu tersbut dengan air agar debu tidak berterbangan dan menggangu pernapasan. Seluruh Warga Djogja diharapkan memakai masker debu jika berpergian keluar. Seluruh Warga Djogja mengharapkan hari ini turun Hujan lebat yang dapat menyapu debu-debu yang mengotori atap rumah mereka dan jalan-jalan raya agar aktifitas keseharian dapat berjalan dengan normal kembali. Keuntungannya...Debu tersebut pada nantinya akan sangat menyuburkan tanaj-tanah pekarangan mereka dan kejadian ini diharapkan hanya terjadi pada hari ini saja karena sebagian besar pekerja libur pada weekend ini.

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Merapi Mountain Erupts Again This Morning 30 october 2010

Merapi Mount Erupts again this morning at 00.21 am 30 october 2010. Ash Rain and sand as result of erupting it this Merapi mount reachs Yogyakarta city. University Gadjah Mada University, Kota Baru, Kaliurang Street, Sleman its surroundings in blanketing ash and sand. People at Yogyakarta who life in 11 kilometer becomes panic the sand and ash is so thick. This thing causes of traffic jam at Kaliurang Street. People afraid thats eruption can be attack them.

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Merapi Mounts Erupts again this time 29 oct 2010

Merapi Mount Erupts again this morning at 08.51 (29 Oct 2010). People keep stay cool public keeps head and awakes for alerting always. People in refugee barracks is obliged to uses masker because dirt volcanic very smooth and can bother exhalation if continuously is breathed in. Eruption goes to Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Hot cloud or "wedhus gembel" or Volcanic erupts comes faster.

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Merapi mount of Yogyakarta erupts on 26 oktober 2010

Meletusnya Gunung Merapi Di Pulau Jawa yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 oktober 2010 membuat resah masyarakat yang berada di sekitaran gunung tersebut. Meletusnya gunung merapi telah memakan beberapa korban jiwa dan juga menewaskan Sang Juru Kunci Gunung tersebut, yaitu “Mbah Maridjan”. Bencana alam ini membawa duka seluruh Rakyat Indonesia dan Dunia. Guguran lava pijar dan abu vulkanik panas yang juga disebut sebagai “Wedhus Gembel” mencapai 600 Derajat Celcius ini menghancurkan segala sesuatu yang dilewatinya, termasuk desa dan rumah tinggal mbah Maridjan. “Status Awas” terus dilakukan oleh Pemerintah DIY dan sekitarnya karena gejala alam ini sangat sulit untuk diprediksikan. Desa-desa yang terdapat dalam radius kurang lebih 10km dari gunung merapi diharapkan bisa dilakukan evakuasi untuk berjaga-jaga apabila eruption berganti arah begitu pula dengan arah angin yang dapat membawa debu vulkanik yang dapat mengganggu pernapasan manusia. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono ke-10 ketika diwawancarai oleh media elektronik TV ONE mengatakan. “Kondisi kota Yogyakarta Aman, Jadi jangan sungkan untuk datang ke kota ini, Gunung Merapi tidak akan meledak, tetapi hanya mengeluarkan Eruption dan Radius Eruption tersebut tidak mencapai lebih dari jarak 10km”. Hal tersebut yang menjadikan warga masyarakat Yogyakarta merasa aman dan tetap melakukan aktifitas seperti biasanya.

English version Translate via (Rekso Translator)

Erupts in Merapi Mountains at Yogyakarta, Indonesia happened on 26 oktober 2010 making anxious of public residing in around the mount. Erupts it Merapi mount has eaten some soul victims as well as defeating the key of Merapi Mount, that is " Mbah Maridjan". This natural disaster brings is sorrowful of all Indonesain people and worlds. Red hot lava eruption and volcanic temperature ash that is also is conceived of " Wedhus Gembel" reachs 600 Degree Of Celcius is breaks all thing passed it, including countryside and house remains mbah Maridjan. " Caution Status" always done by the Government DIY and its surroundings because this nature symptom hardly difficult to be predicted. Countrysides which there is in approximately 10km radius from Merapi mount is expected can be done evacuates to awake if eruption change so direction also with wind direction which can bring dirt volcanic which can bother respiration of man. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono ke-10 when held an interview with by electronic media TV ONE tells. " Condition of Yogyakarta town is save, Don’t be afraid to come to this town and enjoy it, Merapi Mount will not burst, but only releases Eruption and Radius Eruption doesn't reach more than distance 10km". The thing making member of public Yogyakarta to feel safe and persists activity as usual.

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Yogyakarta Terkena Bencana Angin Puting Atau Angin Cleo

Pada Hari minggu Tanggal 26 September 2010 siang hari Yogyakarta kembali dilanda Musibah bencana alam. Angin tersebut dikenal dengan Angin Puting Beliung. Angin ini berputar hampir merata mengenai seluruh kota Yogyakarta, Sleman dan Sekitaran Bantul. Angin besar ini menimbulkan efek dahsyat dengan menelan korban Jiwa sebanyak 2 orang yang sedang melintas mengendarai sepeda motor terkena pohon besar yang tumbang dipinggir jalan. Baleho-baleho atau papan reklame di sepanjang Jalan Gejayan beberapa ada yang tumbang dan mengenai jaringan kabel lisrik sehingga mengakibatkan lampu di kawasan sekitar Gejayan padam, begitupun dengan daerah Alun-alun, terlihat pohon beringin besar tumbang melintang di jalan raya sehingga lalu lintas menjadi macet.daeah-daerah lain lebih hebat lagi karena beberapa atap rumah mereka terangkat seperti asbes, genteng seng yang membuat rumah mereka hancur berantakan. Gejala ini mungkin setara dengan daerah Mataram yang juga terkena musibah angin hebat tersebut. Efek-efek perubahan alam yang tak tentu membuat kita harus selalu waspada karena alam saat ini sedang tidak dapat di prediksi. Mungkin cara penanggulangan musibah angin ini dapat dicegah dengan hal-hal tertentu yang harus dipikirkan oleh para ahli agar angin dapat segera menghilang sebelum membuat bencana besar di kemudian hari.

Translate via Rekso Translator

At Sunday ‘26 Septembers 2010 daytimes Yogyakarta returns to be knocked over natural disaster. The wind is recognized as Angin Puting Beliung. This rotary wind of approximant flattens about city wide Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul. This big wind generates awful effect by swallowing victim counted 2 man is being pass by quickly rides motorbike is hit by falling down big tree roadside. Billboard alongside of Gejayan street something falls down and about cable network electrical causing results lamp in ambient of extinct Gejayan and also with area heaved, seen tree to wish is big falled down is athwart in roadway so that traffic becomes traffic jam more superly again because some their house rooves are upraised like asbestoses, zinc tile making their shot to pieces house. This equivalent possible symptom with Mataram city which also is hit the excitement wind accident. Change effects of indefinite nature makes we must allerting because the existing nature is have no in prediction. Possibly way of to carrying this planet preventable wind accident with certain things of which must be thought of by the experts that wind earns soon disappears before making big disaster later.

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Italia has wept sorrowful, English have been losing face with drubbing embarrassing and big mistake when Beckham out of it in game. What this thing can happened?. British Lover weeps is sorrowful because British champion has gone. So who is prediction a world soccer championship will win this prestigious competition world, Can be Brazil or Germany with quickly game or ?.......

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Indonesia Law answers to pornography case

Many pornography cases become dilemma and new problem in Indonesia. What law stands this thing as serious problems of which able to cause on fatal to societal life morale and the effects to the world. Illusory world cannot be blamed as thing becoming the primary source problems. Illusory world is like real world in general where there is thing which negative and positive. Life of illusory world is the same as real life of world and comparison and the difference is not too far. Excess of illusory world is at news and science, that is knowable information world with quickly news. This excess exploited by the business to implement the quickly business. This thing sometimes also did by the black workers of which wish find more advantage with negative work in the internet. One of them is propagating negative things which able to be conceived of mass doctrines. Pornography becomes one thing which is able as mass doctrine and in the end can entangle problems of law as the end. Pornography law in Indonesia can be told has not opened and in character not too explains for wide public. Arranging law there is still having of norm law character. Norm social becomes is identical more pre-eminently in arrangement of pornography problems.

Is can conceived of mass law or law which still always growing when personal problems become bromide and becomes big problem, because pornography is personal character, if this thing became mass information without the knowledge man who is experiencing it, how position of law to the thing?. These things become homework for Indonesian.

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